Counties with public lands today tend to have larger, more diverse, and slightly older populations. Read more
Nonmarket valuation tools have evolved over time and are now relied upon for important policy decisions and litigation. Read more
As we work to protect wildlands, we must also ensure that amenity-led growth benefits a wide range of people and builds community. Read more
Advances in economic valuation methods have improved public lands management. Read more
Federally managed public lands were originally intended to provide and protect public goods and services while constraining commercial activities. Read more
In the face of overwhelming transition, local institutions can make a critical difference in rural community resilience. Read more
Updated: Headwaters Economics produced two interactive maps to show the range of commercial activities on National Forests at the Forest, state and forest region levels. Read more
Study on the economic impacts of redesignating Bandelier National Monument as a National Park with case studies of other Monuments converted to National Parks. Read more
Download socioeconomic reports for states and counties near Bureau of Land Management units. Read more
Investigating the economic effects of National Monuments redesignated National Parks, and the potential impact of converting the White Sands National Monument to a National Park. Read more
Reforming county payments by establishing a permanent Trust to fund Secure Rural Schools (SRS). Read more
This report summarizes Montana’s economy analyzing recent growth and what is driving its performance, including a description of how federal lands help attract people, investment, and businesses. Read more
This research and interactive charts show that the local economies adjacent to all 17 national monuments studied in the West expanded following the monument’s creation. Read more
New analysis and interactive map show how the President’s budget proposal cuts county payments and the impact for every county in the nation. Read more
Headwaters Economics compiled a number of regional reports, case studies, tools, research library, and related news articles on the value of public lands to nearby communities. Read more
While most western rural counties are aging and losing young families, the loss of school kids in rural western counties with protected lands such as National Monuments was, on average, less than half the rate of loss for similar counties without protected lands. Read more
Unlike most countries and state governments, the U.S. has not created a natural resources trust which could help meet volatility and spending challenges facing local and county governments. Read more
Update: Rural counties in the West with more federal lands performed better on average than their peers with less federal lands in four key economic measures. Read more
County governments are compensated for the tax-exempt status of federal public lands within their boundaries. These payments often constitute a significant portion of county and school budgets, particularly in rural counties with extensive public land ownership. Read more