Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State 2020 Update
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic impact of outdoor recreation in Washington State. The report includes estimates on spending, jobs, income, impact on GDP, consumer surplus, and environmental benefits of outdoor recreation. In 2019, outdoor recreation in Washington contributed $26.5 billion in spending and supported 264,000 jobs, compared to $21.5 billion and…
Mojica, J. and Fletcher, A. 2020. Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State, 2020 Update. Tacoma, WA: Earth Economics.
Environmental Justice and Outdoor Recreation Opportunities: A spatially explicit assessment in Oslo metropolitan area, Norway
This study assesses outdoor recreation opportunities focusing on green space accessibility for different demographic groups in the Oslo metropolitan area in Norway. Overall, most people prefer large wooded green areas, high tree density, and water presence. Migrants and low-income households were found to have relatively less access to places for daily recreation.
Suárez, M., Barton, D.N., Cimburova, Z., Rusch, G.M., Gómez-Baggethun, E. and Onaindia, M. 2020. Environmental justice and outdoor recreation opportunities: A spatially explicit assessment in Oslo metropolitan area, Norway. Environmental Science & Policy 108(2020): 133-143.
Next-generation visitation models using social media to estimate recreation on public lands
This study evaluates how social media predicts visitation across multiple sites. Two geographically different areas were chosen to evaluate how well visitation models can be generalized to different areas. Adding social media data to a model was found to improve visitor estimates at unmonitored sites, even when a model is parameterized with data from another…
Wood, S.A., Winder, S.G., Lia, E.H., White, E.M., L. Crowley, C.S. and Milnor, A.A. 2020. Next-generation visitation models using social media to estimate recreation on public lands. Scientific Reports, 10, 15419.
The Economic Value of Trails in Arizona: A Travel Cost Method Study
This study estimates the value Arizona residents derive from visiting motorized and non-motorized trails. The authors also estimated total annual trail use, Arizonans’ perceptions of trails, and favorite and most frequented trails. The value for Arizona residents from non-motorized trail use is around $8.3 billion per year; the value from motorized trail use is about…
Duval, D., Frisvold, G. and Bickel, A. 2020. The Economic Value of Trails in Arizona: A Travel Cost Method Study. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
Using social media images to assess ecosystem services in a remote protected area in the Argentinean Andes
In this study, Flickr is used to evaluate the perception and attitudes of day-use and multi-day adventure-based visitors on Mount Aconcagua in Argentina. The study aims to determine the relative popularity of different parts of the park and how the Flickr image content differs between the easily accessible day-use areas and more remote areas of…
Rossi, S.D., Barros, A., Walden-Schreiner, C. and Pickering, C. 2020. Using social media images to assess ecosystem services in a remote protected area in the Argentinean Andes. Ambio 49:1146-1160.