Montana Home Construction Continues Recovering from Recession

The report, released by Bozeman-based research group Headwaters Economics, studied the number of single-family homes in the state from 1970 to 2013 using data from the Department of Revenue. In that span, the number of homes went from around 150,000 to 327,000. On the whole, the period from 2003 to 2013 saw more home construction than any other decade in Montana’s history, with more than 44,000 homes built.

However, the study found that some parts of the state are constructing more than others. Many western counties have seen a large proportion of their houses go up in the last 10 years. More than 27 percent of Broadwater County’s homes were built between 2003 and 2013. For Gallatin County, that number was around 23 percent, with 6,000 of the county’s more than 26,000 single-family homes constructed in the same 10-year span.

Chris Mehl

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