Open data for municipal planning (video)

Patty Gude presents Headwaters Economics tools for using open data for municipal planning at the 2018 Tableau Conference.

Do you want to build visualizations that help your city or agency prioritize capital improvements? Direct resources to at-risk neighborhoods? Improve emergency operations? Increase cross-departmental collaboration?

A major impediment to city staff making well-informed decisions that support equitable, long-term solutions is the lack of reliable data presented in an easy-to-understand format. Using open data in Tableau can help you solve that problem.

In this presentation, learn how Headwaters Economics is using Tableau and U.S. Census data to provide cities across the country with access to up-to-date, neighborhood-level information about at-risk people and their vulnerability to the impacts from climate change. Learn lessons for developing Tableau tools for your city or agency. Headwaters Economics shares examples and design practices that have resulted from working directly with municipal staff.

Patricia Hernandez       406.599.7425

Patty Hernandez is co-founder and Executive Director of Headwaters Economics. Patty has 18 years of experience in researching economic development, building partnerships, and developing technology solutions to help communities plan and adapt to a changing world.