Rising Wildfire Costs
Headwaters Economics worked with a retired Congressional Research Service staffer to produce this background report on the rising costs of wildfires as part of our long-term commitment to address this issue.
New Atlas Explores Climate and Economy
This interactive provides detailed information to help users evaluate economic, land use, and climate-related information at the region and county level; done in cooperation with the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative.
County Payments
We testified before the U.S. Senate on ways to reform federal payments to counties while improving how public lands are managed and the economic opportunities available to rural communities.
Updated Timber Cut and Sold Reports
This interactive allows users to view and download U.S. Forest Service cut and sold data from Fiscal Years 1980 to 2012 on timber volume, value, and price at three scales: National Forest, State, or National Forest Region.
New Staff
Headwaters Economics has hired Megan Lawson, an economist specializing in land use, non-market valuation, and statistical models. Megan, who starts in July, holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Colorado.