Comparing the Costs and Health Benefits of a Proposed Rail Trail
In rural Nova Scotia, a proposed trail is expected to increase substantially the amount of physical activity of local residents, with over half of respondents predicting increased physical activity due to the trail. For every dollar spent constructing the trail, it is expected to generate at least $2 in avoided health care costs.
VanBlarcom, B. and J. Janmaat. 2013. “Comparing the costs and health benefits of a proposed rail trail.” Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 5(2): 187-206.
Impact of All-Terrain Vehicle Access on the Demand for a Proposed Trail
In rural Nova Scotia, a proposed trail is predicted to attract 160,000 users per year. Because motorized vehicle use is expected to diminish the quality of non-motorized users’ experience, allowing all-terrain vehicles on the trail is predicted to cut the number of total visits in half.
Janmaat, J. and B. VanBlarcom. 2009. “Impact of all-terrain vehicle access on the demand for a proposed trail.” Managing Leisure 14(1): 57-70.