This article focuses on the desirable and undesirable characteristics of off-highway-vehicle (OHV) trails from users’ perspectives as well as trail system characteristics that best suit local or regional OHV destinations. The authors found that the main concern of trail users in the local OHV trail system is trail mileage; their results suggest a minimum of… Read more
This study found that in Morgantown, West Virginia, one-quarter of trail users had not been active before the trail was built, and who report large increases in physical activity since they began using the trail. For most of these newly-active residents, the trail was the only place where they exercised and they report the trail’s… Read more
This study found that a community rail-trail in West Virginia encourages new physical activity among inactive residents and greater physical activity for those who were already active, and that for many community members trail use is their only form of exercise. Trail cost per newly active resident is on the lower end of health interventions… Read more