Green Economy: Wyoming Could Do Better

…While the Cowboy State gets a thumbs-up for forging ahead with wind energy production, a new report from Headwaters Economics finds the state will have to do much more than that to take advantage of its potential in the emerging green economy.

Report author Julia Haggerty says their analysis is an in-depth look at the Rocky Mountain States, and Wyoming is lagging behind overall. Haggerty sees a need for stronger state policies and incentives:

She says Wyoming needs a deliberate strategy on the green economy front to create consistent growth:

Energy efficiency products, components and services are cited as examples of green economy potentials for Wyoming.

Colorado is listed in the report as the state doing all the right things to take advantage of luring green companies and industries, as well as tapping into available federal money. Montana, Utah and New Mexico were also analyzed.…

Sheridan Media

Ben Alexander

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